I may have figured out the entire path to end suffering. And I’m very excited!

Many gurus, clergy, teachers, and philosophers have written about this very enlightenment. This is not something new. But it is VERY new to me. It has changed everything about how I operate, react, and experience life. I know what you’re thinking, this must be too good to be true. Is it even possible to take back my personal power; to end my suffering? Is Chava on crack? Not crack, something BETTER.

Here’s the magic that has changed my life  —

To end suffering, I’ve stopped hustling. 

I’ve stopped hustling for validation, for a label, for permission that only appears to serve me for a short period of time.

When I first began to notice limiting rules I created for myself to stay safe, I realized this was not keeping me safe, this was keeping me trapped. These mechanisms are THE TRAP that perpetuates suffering in motion. And when I release these mechanisms that no longer benefit me, everything- EVERYTHING shifts.

The portal of pain begins with mechanisms that I put into place that aid and abet the abandoning of my truth. These mechanisms encourage me to stop listening to the real me, influence- no, demand me to pay attention to my inner critic .

So how did I get to this revelation? Great question!

The moment I realized this inner critic was in charge, was the moment I realized I could dethrone her.  For the first time I noticed my suffering had a seat at my table, but she did not deserve to be there. For if I’m real about it,  this voice had been ambushing the REAL me for decades. And if I’m honest,  these mechanisms I so craftily put into place had me falsely believing they were protecting her all along. The her, the real her…aka the real me.

But that was just not true. At all.

I am not this critical voice. She is not me; I am not her. While I alone created her, I alone can reconstruct her.  And while the old me justified that voice and even felt entitled, victimized and deserving of her, she needed ta go.

This critical voice had not been my “safety net” at all, it had been the scam created to blind my authenticity. It had been my smokescreen. Blaming others for my feelings of unworthiness, self shaming myself, acting and staying small, seeking or asking permission to be me, these mechanisms were put into place by ME. They do NOT SERVE ME. And they can just as easily be ERASED BY ME.

Every person has 2 life forces pulsing inside their bodies. Each one has a voice. There’s the real voice that tends to get drowned out. And then there’s this critical voice, which loves to be loud and bossy as shit. Both voices consistently compete for air time in our heads. Some call it consciousness vs subconsciousness.  Others call it good inclination vs bad inclination. Either way the voices are on play. All the time. The critic voice will spend all its energy self sabotaging the real voice while convincing you that it is protecting her. So much so- the mind even manages to rewire itself to believe the critical voice is the actual you.

The morph starts slowly, discreetly- stealthily. One day it gets so loud we begin to believe we are that voice. But the truth is, that is us, and that is not us. It’s neither. It’s like a mask. We can wear it, but we can also easily take it off. It’s merely an accessory. It’s a shadow and it’s excellent at masking truth and at hiding in the shade.

So then the question becomes- WHO IS THE REAL VOICE? What does she stand for? What does she believe? Will we like her? We have shut her down for so long- and she longs so badly to break out. What is the real pathway for getting rid of this critical voice? It’s called PRESSING MUTE. It’s called RAISING THE VOLUME on the REAL ONE. She’s awaiting to be heard, because she is stunning!! It’s called watching the critical voice like it is the phony movie that distracts everything. Think of it like seeing it, not being it.

Awakening…true emancipation and freedom comes from the ability to shut that critic down. It comes from operating authentically from that real voice at all costs, at all times. That’s when everything changes. That’s when we can rain blessings down. When that is the only voice we let in, the only voice we listen to, we slay life; the real living begins.

So I’m not listening to that inner critic anymore that has tormented me for so long. She’s not me. She’s this thing that hates to see me happy. She systematically sabotages every good thing I have going.

Try it, Listen to the real you- the abundant you, the powerful, joyful, kick ass- genius- brilliant- lovable, loving, shining star YOU. She’s the only ONE that COUNTS!

Because ALL pain- ALL OF IT, is sourced in this inner critic. And once that is let go- magical thinking…no…MAGICAL LIVING truly happens.

So who’s in charge? Who’s your mama now



Special Thanks to Brother Will Mcgreal for helping me see for the very first time. Check out his website yo, so dope! Intuitive Genius

Courageous Dressy Diva

IMG_6558     Sharon Langert is the founder of one of our favorite fashion forward blogs that highlights confident yet modest styles known as “Fashion-Isha.”  Besides being a wicked awesome beautiful diva/Blogger, she is also a 40 something Mom of 5, grandma- (WE KNOW!) stylist, skincare consultant, and kidney donor- She believes in living an inspiring life, always looking for the next big thing to help women and make a difference. Sharon has created her own line of modest clothes and works in event planning, wardrobe styling, freelance writing, and social media marketing. Contact Sharon at ask.fashionisha@gmail.com and follow her on FacebookTwitter.   Feel free to follow her blog and catch her dolled up insta-pics! We think she knows how to kick fear in the face-

Here’s what she had to say about facing fear, gathering courage and owning our bodies-



Thelma & Louise: We are BIG HUGE Fans of your fashion blog. Where did you get the idea to start a fashion blog that focuses on Modest styles?

Fashion-Isha: I’ve always loved fashion and being an orthodox Jewish woman, I have struggled with the challenge of dressing modestly, while still looking fabulous. I felt there was something lacking in the fashion world that celebrated modest fashion so I decided to start my blog as a kind of magazine for the fashionable classic woman.

Thelma & Louise: What are some of your favorite designers, and do you think that the fashion world has began to rethink how much skin to show?

Fashion-Isha: I’m a huge fan of DVF,
Diane Von Furstenberg's Journey of A Dress Exhibition Opening Celebration

because she is not only a fashion icon, but a woman who has experienced so much and seems to remain relevant regardless of her age. I also love the Burberry Prorsum collections

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because every season they are so beautiful and modest too! And yes, thankfully, today modest fashion is very en vogue. I think it’s because women are becoming more self-assured and want to be seen as intelligent creative beings instead of just bodies to be admired!

Thelma & Louise: Lets talk a little bit more about that- Who would you say is that iconic woman who embodies classic fashion and self confidence that you really admire?

Fashion-Isha: Kate Middleton truly personifies what a princess should look like


and Olivia Palermo is often very modest without having modesty in mind.


They both embody a very high fashion way to dress.  Sara Jessica Parker and Angelina Jolie 

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often dress modestly as well, and these are women that are very self assured and accomplished. You don’t have to spend a lot to look great. Trends come and go but dress the way you feel most beautiful and focus on great shoes and accessories!

 Thelma & Louise: Do you feel those women embody a certain respect as a result of their dress choices?

Fashion-Isha: Yes, I do feel they have not only earned respect through their accomplishments, but also because of the way they present themselves.

Thelma & Louise: Right now women like Kim Kardashian are having a massive fashion influence- what do you think is the allure?


 Fashion-Isha: For me, the allure of a woman like Kim K is that she loves herself and her body no matter the size, and women have such self-image issues. She kind of encourages women to love themselves no matter what their body size or type.

Thelma & Louise: and yet she is not necessarily known for her “modesty”

Fashion-Isha: No, not at all. But confidence is attractive and every woman can learn from that.

Thelma & Louise:  (btw- Big thank you to Kim K for bringing back the curvy girl) Since this is a blog where we face our fears, what do you think is the main fear most women grapple with today in how they are seen?

Fashion-Isha: I feel like so many women are too hard on themselves and feel they are unworthy of realizing their dreams, but every woman is valuable and should go for whatever they dream to do. That can be scary!  My favorite motto is- ‘life begins outside your comfort zone.”   I say that a lot on my blog!

Thelma & Louise:  What has been the most uncomfortable thing you have ever attempted-

Fashion-Isha: It took a bit of chutzpah for me to start my blog in my mid 40s when peers are 1/2 my age but I try to do the things that scare me the most!

 Thelma & Louise:  WAAAIITT- MID 40’s??? Woman, you look HOT-that’s NUTZ!  Maybe you do have the secret to the valley of youth- it must be confidence!  Have you ever grappled with allowing fear to get in the way?

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Fashion-Isha: Yes. I want to write a book and create a fashion line and I just don’t get to it. I ask myself if it’s because I’m afraid or if I’m just lazy. I still have things to face!

Thelma & Louise:  Have you ever attempted something that was extremely uncomfortable- that really scared you?

Fashion-Isha: Well aside from donating a kidney I would say public speaking. It’s terrifying but when I do it- its exhilarating. I love inspiring women!

Thelma & Louise:  donating a kidney, can you tell us more about that…

Fashion-Isha: It’s not something I really thought about until I heard about a friend who was sick and needed a kidney. Then I just decided I wanted to do it. I wanted to make a difference and I just dived in.

When something inspires you and you have that light bulb moment you just have to run with it! That’s living!


Maybe the secret to facing fear is acceptance, the ability to fully embrace your deepest self with confidence and class. We are thrilled Sharon Langert from Fashion-Isha visited with us and we can’t wait to continue to keep an eye out on how she evolves- Today the fashion forward thinker is different from yesterday. She is a woman willing to cover up to make a statement, not just bare all to be seen. We think that’s kind of cool!

Keep putting on lipstick!  images

LOVE, Thelma & Louise-

Get real or go home…